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Chinese translation for "ink pad"


Related Translations:
ink:  n.1.墨水;(印刷用的)油墨。2.(乌贼分泌的)墨液。3.〔俚语〕咖啡;廉价酒。短语和例子China [Chinese, India, Indian] ink 墨,墨汁。 indelible [marking, permanent] ink 不变墨水。 invisible [secret, sympathetic] ink 密写墨水。 printing ink 油墨。 w
pad:  n.1.(防摩擦用的)衬垫,垫料,填料,缓冲物;鞍褥。2.束,捆;小块。3.(能一张一张扯用的)便条本子[吸墨纸本等]。4.(动物的)肉趾;(狐、兔、狼等的)脚;〔美国〕(水生植物的)大浮叶。5.【航海】甲板垫木,(船头的)护船木。6.(打球时戴的)护胫[护胸等]。7.(钟表的)螫尖;【机械工程】缓冲器;把手,柄;【电讯】衰减器;(火箭等的)发射台。8.绣花线。9.〔美俚〕
padding:  n.1.填充,填塞,装填。2.填料,芯。3.(报纸杂志等的)补白。4.定色药[法]。5.(文章等的)铺张。
magnetic ink:  磁性墨水。
sympathetic ink:  【化学】(起初无色后来经过某种作用才现色的)隐显墨水。
secret ink:  隐显墨水。
japan ink:  墨。
ink pencil:  复写用颜色铅笔。
process ink:  三色版油墨。
ink bottle:  墨水瓶。
Example Sentences:
1.Shuniku cinnabar seal - ink pads
2.Get a stamp box , a porcelain ink pad handmade engraving free for purchase of any jade stone stamp
3.Zhejiang ninghai zeyi stationery co . , ltd specializes in producing stationery of seal and ink pad and manufacturing and selling hardware and electric appliance
4.7 . two - sided large desk : glass - plated , atlas of china and foreign countries , blotter , calendar , pen holder , ink pad , water basin , ink well , brush holder , paper weight , scissors , desk lamp , and letter - opener . these are all late president chiang s stationery
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